Fetch Compound debt and collateral

As of now, to get all cTokens along with a user's debt on Compound you need to perform over 10 calls to the Ethereum node to different contracts or rely on a centralized API. With DeFi SDK, you can call

getProtocolBalances('0xdead...beef', ['Compound'])

on the api.zerion.eth smart contract and get all borrowed and supplied tokens

  metadata: {
    name: 'Compound',
    description: 'Decentralized Lending & Borrowing Protocol',
    websiteURL: 'compound.finance',
    iconURL: 'protocol-icons.s3.amazonaws.com/compound.png',
    version: '0'
  adapterBalances: [{
    metadata: {
      adapterAddress: '0x90F0Ed76cfCf75Ccab31A9b4E51782F230aA0747',
      adapterType: 'Asset'
    balances: [{
      base: {
        metadata: {
          token: '0x6C8c6b02E7b2BE14d4fA6022Dfd6d75921D90E4E',
          name: 'Compound Basic Attention Token',
          symbol: 'cBAT',
          decimals: '8'
        amount: '314159265'
      underlying: [{
        metadata: {
          token: '0x0D8775F648430679A709E98d2b0Cb6250d2887EF',
          name: 'Basic Attention Token',
          symbol: 'BAT',
          decimals: '18'
        amount: '6626070040000000000'
      metadata: {
        adapterAddress: '0xD0646777520Aff625F976a8D81b95B5B42cDa1B9',
        adapterType: 'Debt'
      balances: [{
        base: {
          metadata: {
            token: '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F',
            name: 'Dai Stablecoin',
            symbol: 'DAI',
            decimals: '18'
          amount: '1971081500000000000'
        underlying: []

Last updated